Divine Hair: Cuidado de lujo al alcance de todos

Divine Hair: Cuidado de lujo al alcance de todos
Beneficios del servicio
Somos conscientes de que tu cabello se enfrenta al frizz, la resequedad y a veces un aspecto opaco que te resta confianza en tu día a día.
Por eso diseñamos Divine Hair, para que puedas olvidarte de esos problemas. Este plan mensual te asegura un cabello manejable, hidratado y siempre listo para deslumbrar.
Dale a tu cabello el cuidado que merece. Suscríbete a Divine Hair y transforma tu rutina capilar en un momento de lujo y bienestar. ¡Es hora de brillar!
Políticas clave de la suscripción
- Cancelación y reprogramación: Puedes cancelar o reprogramar tus citas con al menos 24 horas de anticipación.
- Servicios no acumulables: Los servicios no utilizados no se acumulan para el siguiente mes.
- Flexibilidad de pago: Paga fácilmente con tarjeta de crédito o débito.
Disponible solo de forma presencial en Juliet Hair Studio. Activo desde el momento que realizas el pago de tu suscripción.
What happens if I am unable to keep my scheduled appointment?
You may cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance. If this time is not given, the service for that month will not be refundable or rescheduled.
Can I accumulate unused services?
No, unused services do not accumulate for the following month, so we recommend that you take advantage of them within the monthly period.
How can I make plan payments?
Payments can be made by credit or debit card, with the option to set them up automatically for greater convenience.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time, as long as you notify us before the next billing cycle.
Can I give a Divine Hair subscription as a gift?
Of course! You can purchase the subscription as a gift for someone special.
What products are used during treatment?
We use high quality products that deeply moisturize and protect your hair against daily damage. The same ones you can get in our store.
Is there a minimum commitment of permanence?
No, there is no minimum commitment; you can enjoy the service on a month-to-month basis with no long-term obligations.